Källa: Jan-Olov Newborg och en liten del är från mig Peter.
Source: Jan-Olov Newborg and a small part is from me Peter.
F18? F14 Tomcat? soundbarrier and highspeed pass
A Physical Description of Flight ©
Understanding Flight
? http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/aero/Flightrevisited.pdf ?
Henri Marie Coanda
? http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/aero/coanda.htm ?
Allstar network, Aeronautics Learning Laboratory for Science, Technology, and Research.
? https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19990026077 ?
Bernoulli Versus Newton.
Operational use of angle of attack (AOA) on modern commercial jet airplanes.
? http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/aero_12/attack.html ?
Prof. Dr. Klaus Weltner
Misinterpretations of Bernoulli's Law.
Physics of Flight - reviewed.
? http://user.uni-frankfurt.de/~weltner/ ?
Incorrect theory number three.
Lift from flow turning.
Jef Raskin - Coanda Effect: Understanding Why Wings Work.
The Coanda Effect, by Jean-Louis Naudin.
Beauty Gif pictures smokepuls plus SAAB 2000.
Prof. Colombinis photogallery.
Flow around an airfoil.
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. The Supercritical Airfoil.
? http://www.nasa.gov/centers/dryden/about/Organizations/Technology/Facts/TF-2004-13-DFRC.html ?
What is Ground Effect?
WIG, Wing-In-Ground effect. A WIG craft is generally speaking a boat that cruises just above the water surface.
Only for members.
The WIG Page do not exist anymore.
? http://www.se-technology.com/ ?
Flying ThingZ
? https://www.rcuniverse.com/articles/review/flying-thingz-sky-cutter-40-60/ ?
Telling tales
The telltales make the trimming of the sails and the steering of the boat easier.
? http://www.wb-sails.fi/news/95_11_Tellingtales/Tellingtales.html ?
Båten Stormfågeln.
"Tanken med vår propulsion är att bara använda trycksidan på bladet
och få kraften i färdriktningen." Och "att åka med liten våt yta på tre åkytor
och då får du automatiskt litet motstånd och små vågor."
Källa: Jan Ericsson.
The boat Fulmar.
"The purpose of our propulsion is to use only the pressure side on the blade
and get the force to the direction of travel." And "to travel with a small wet area
on three travel surfaces and then you will automatically get reduced drag and small waves."
Source: Jan Ericsson.
? http://www.stormfagel.se/Videoklipp1.htm ?
? http://www.metro.se/se/article/2008/03/25/15/5133-61/ ?
Lift from spinning balls
This website gives a lot of references all back to Newton/Robbins!
The Magnus Effect
The Swing of a Cricket Ball
? http://orca.rsmas.miami.edu/~majumdar/cricket.html ?
Wrong lift explanations.
False Bernoulli explanations.
How things fly, an interactive gallery. Bernoulli Brain-Teasers. Activities you can do at home.
Dr. John S. Denker online aerodynamic book.
Wrong Lift explanation explained by "Circulation flow 'creating' the Velocity Field".
Varför har det blivit fel?
Man skulle kunna säga att Laplace skapar Lyftkraften, eftersom hastighetsfältet beräknas
med hjälp av Laplace. Sedan korrigeras detta med superpositionerad hastighetscirculation.
Resultatet i hastighet kan räknas om med hjälp av Bernoulli till indikerat lokalt tryck,
men detta är ju ingen lyftkraftsförklaring!
Källa: Jan-Olov Newborg
Why has it got wrong?
You could say that Laplace creates the aerodynamic lift, since the velocity field is calculated
by means of Laplace. Then is this corrected with superpositioned speed circulation.
The result in velocity can be recalculated by means of Bernoulli to indicated local pressure,
but this is not an explanation of aerodynamic lift!
Source: Jan-Olov Newborg